• 1011 Hennepin Ave N, Glencoe MN 55336

Graston Technique®

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Graston Technique Neck

Graston Technique® in Glencoe, MN

Our team at Glencoe Family Chiropractic in Glencoe can explain the Graston Technique®. This innovative, patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization enables clinicians to effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The technique utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.

Originally developed by athletes, Graston Technique® is an interdisciplinary treatment used by more than 18,000 clinicians worldwide — including physical and occupational therapists, hand therapists, chiropractors, and athletic trainers.

GT is utilized at some 1,960 outpatient facilities and 53 industrial sites, by more than 284 professional and amateur sports organizations, and is part of the curriculum at 57 respected colleges and universities.


For the Glencoe Clinician

  • Provides improved diagnostic treatment
  • Detects major and minor fibrotic changes
  • Reduces manual stress; provides hand and joint conservation
  • Increases patient satisfaction by achieving notably better outcomes
  • Expands business and revenue opportunities

For the Patient

  • Decreases overall time of treatment
  • Fosters faster rehabilitation/recovery
  • Reduces need for anti-inflammatory medication
  • Resolves chronic conditions thought to be permanent
Graston Technique Lower Back
Graston Technique Forearm

For Employers and the Healthcare Industry

  • Allows patients to remain on the job
  • Reduces the need for splints, braces, and job-site modifications
  • Contributes to the reduction of labor and healthcare costs, direct and indirect

See what experts and researchers have to say about the Graston Technique®

“The Graston Technique® Instruments allow a deeper, more sensitive palpation and treatment of fibrotic restricted tissue.”—Warren I. Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO

Six Stainless Steel Instruments Form the Cornerstone of Graston Technique®

The curvilinear edge of the patented Graston Technique® Instruments combines with their concave/convex shapes to mold the instruments to various contours of the body. This design allows for ease of treatment, minimal stress to the clinician’s hands, and maximum tissue penetration.

The Graston Technique® Instruments, much like a tuning fork, resonate in the clinician’s hands allowing the clinician to isolate adhesions and restrictions, and treat them very precisely. Since the metal surface of the instruments does not compress as do the fat pads of the finger, deeper restrictions can be accessed and treated. When explaining the properties of the instruments, we often use the analogy of a stethoscope. Just as a stethoscope amplifies what the human ear can hear, so do the instruments increase significantly what the human hands can feel.

If you have questions about how our team at Glencoe Family Chiropractic in Glencoe, MN, can assist you, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation today. 


What People Say About Glencoe Family Chiropractic

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50,000+ Happy Patients Served
I have been seeing Dr. Kramer for a few years now. He has helped me become more flexible and I experience less pain. I am able to do activities like gardening, cookie baking and motorcycle riding with less pain. Thank you Dr Kramer!
Gail R.
I was one of Dr. Kramer's first patients and I'm still a regular patient. I believe in Chiropractic care and I believe that Dr. Kramer is truly concerned for this patients. The staff are also very caring and helpful. Hope they are around for a long long time.
Carol D.
Very good approach! I was shown the effects of an injury from more than 15 years ago. Everyone should take a visit here and get checked. You might be surprised by how much our body is affected by the state of our spine.
Benjamin A.
I have been seeing Dr Kramer for 3 1/2 years. I highly recommend Dr Kramer. He is very thorough, knowledgeable and caring. Extremely happy with my care from him! I am able to do things I haven’t done in years. His staff is also very caring and helpful. Thank you for all you do Dr Kramer.
Kris T.
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Glencoe Family Chiropractic
7:15AM - 12 PM | 2 PM - 6 PM
7:15AM - 12 PM | 2 PM - 6 PM
7:15AM - 12 PM | 2 PM - 6 PM

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